I am Gerhard “Gary” Geick. I am a Freelance Editor and Writer. I have been working as a Professional Editor for more than ten years, and I have been writing for most of my life. I have written Interactive Stories for Zoomob LMT, and have written, edited, and co-written over 60 novels with FicFun. Among other projects, I have edited manuals for the Alberta Food Processors Association, scripted courses for Let's Talk Science, pamphlets for Food Processing Skills Canada, and a variety of documents for Foodprocessorsinstitute.com. I have scripted and developed courses on the topics of Introduction to Editing, Proofreading, and Tricks of the Trade. Using Articulate Rise, I also developed web sites. These have included a Welcome Package for new employees to Playcanics, a step-by-step guide to Microsoft Teams, and Flow Theory. In my spare time, I write horror fiction, and I am the bestselling author of NOSOPHOBIA, NIHILOPHOBIA, and CYNOPHOBIA.
Upon review of my work with FicFun, my work scored above 99%, one hundred percent of the time. I love what I do, and BookPreditor.com is a service that I started so that I could provide services for self-published, independent, and small press authors at a reasonable price. www.bookpredator.com/ |